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Volunteer Your Time

The Pit Bull Pen depends on volunteers. 


There is a broad range of volunteer opportunities, including walking dogs, loving on dogs, cleaning kennels, and helping at events. More volunteer ideas are listed below. If interested in volunteering, please complete a volunteer application.




Minor volunteers, email applications to

What We Need Help With

Dog Care

Help keep our dogs happy and healthy!

  • Play with dogs and give them love

  • Take a Dog on an outing (hike, walk, daytrip)

  • Clip Nails

  • Bathe and brush dogs

  • Clean Kennels

Lawn Mower Setup

Facility & Grounds

Help keep The Pit Bull Pen clean, safe, and functioning

  • Mow and weed

  • Brush clearing

  • Help with fencing


Help us dot the t's and cross the i's

  • Plan fundraisers

  • Volunteer at events 

  • Help maintain records

  • Join the Home Check team

  • Become a board member



Help us show the community what The Pit Bull Pen is all about!

  • Share our dogs and their profiles on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter

  • Spread the word about our fundraisers and events on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter

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